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Konferensabstrakt2021Vetenskapligt granskad

Untangling meanings, competences and materials around antimicrobial use

Olmos Antillón, Gabriela; Blanco Penedo, Isabel; Hötzel, M.J.; Buller, H.; Moreno, M.A.; Belák, Sándor; Bergvall, Kerstin; Hagman, Ragnvi; Emanuelson, Ulf

Publicerad i

Titel: 5th International Conference on Responsible Use of Antibiotics in Animals - Towards Sustainable Solutions 7-9 June 20211 Live Virtual Conference

Utgivare: Bastiaanse Communication


5th International Conference on Responsible Use of Antibiotics in Animals - Towards Sustainable Solutions, 210607-210609 (virtual conference)