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Forskningsartikel2022Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Essential fatty acids composition and oxidative stability of frozen minced carp meat

Tilami, T. S. Khalili; Sampels, S.; Tomcala, A.; Mraz, J.


This study aimed to introduce minced common carp (Cyprinus caprio L.) meat as a nutritional valuable by-product from carp filleting. This research was focused on fatty acid composition and considered its sensitivity to oxidation during frozen storage (-20 degrees C). Additionally, copper chloride was used to magnify possible oxidation reactions. A better understanding of minced carp meat quality and deterioration during frozen storage could help to promote the usage of this underestimated by-product. The utilization of this by-product for human consumption could be a useful way to increase the carp aquaculture economy and sustainability. The fatty acid profile showed a favorable content of essential fatty acids, as well as a beneficial ratio of omega-3/omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Furthermore, during 4 months of frozen storage (-20 degrees C), no significant changes were detected in fatty acid composition. Negligible changes were observed in the oxidation of lipids and proteins. The nutritional value and storage stability of minced carp meat was shown.


Cyprinus carpio L.; minced meat; storage stability; essential fatty acids; omega-3/omega-6 ratio; oxidation

Publicerad i

International Journal of Food Properties
2022, Volym: 25, nummer: 1, sidor: 204-213

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