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Preprint2022Öppen tillgång

Panarchy Suggests Why Management Mitigates Rather than Restores Ecosystems from Anthropogenic Impact

Angeler, David; Hur, Ran


Abstract Panarchy, a model of dynamic systems change at multiple, interconnected spatiotemporal scales, allows assessing how management influences ecological processes and resilience. We assess how liming, a management form to counteract anthropogenic acidification, influences scale-specific temporal fluctuation frequencies of benthic invertebrates and phytoplankton assemblages in lakes. We also assess whether these fluctuations correlate with proxies of liming (Ca:Mg ratios) to quantify scale-specific management effects. Using an ecosystem experiment and monitoring data, time series analyses (1998-2019) revealed significant multiscale temporal (and thus Panarchy) structure for littoral invertebrates across limed and reference lakes. Such patterns were inconsistent for sublittoral invertebrates and phytoplankton. When significant panarchy structure was found, Ca:Mg ratios correlated with only a few of the identified temporal fluctuation frequencies across limed and reference lakes. This suggests that liming effects become diluted in the managed lakes. The lack of manifestations of liming across the independent temporal fluctuation patterns suggest that this lake management form fails to create and enforce cross-scale interactions, a crucial component of ecological resilience. This interpretation supports liming as a mitigation effort rather than a tool to restore acidified lakes to a self-organizing system equivalent of circumneutral references.


panarchy; resilience; lakes; management; liming; coerced regimes

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Utgivare: SSRN

    Globala målen

    SDG15 Ekosystem och biologisk mångfald

    UKÄ forskningsämne


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