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Forskningsartikel2022Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Effect of age and height on the chemical properties of Muli bamboo (Melocanna baccifera)

Hossain, Mohammad Jakir; Ghosh, Rupak Kumar; Das, Atanu Kumar; Maryana, Roni; Nath, Shambhu Chandra; Islam, Md. Rakibul; Sarker, Sujon Chandra


Melocanna baccifera is the most common bamboo species which grows naturally and gregariously covering large tracts of land in the forests of Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. However, there is limited information about the chemical characterization of its culms for its utilization and processing. This paper aimed to determine the effect of age and height position on the chemical properties of M. baccifera. The highest value of holocellulose content was 74.66% for the top portion of 3-year-old bamboo, while the bottom part of 3-year-old bamboo showed the highest value of lignin (27.83%) and extractive (5.24%) content. For caustic soda (1% NaOH) solubility, the bottom portion of 1-year-old bamboo had shown the maximum value (25.67%), and it was the lowest (19.10%) for the top portion of 3-year-old bamboo. Ageing had a significant (p < 0.05) effect on all chemical properties, while the height position had a significant effect on the holocellulose and lignin content and water solubility. The chemical properties of M. baccifera can enable its proper utilization in the downstream process.

Publicerad i

ACS Omega
2022, Volym: 7, nummer: 43, sidor: 39370-39374

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