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Forskningsartikel2022Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Assessing nitrogen dynamics model and the role of artificial lagoon in effluent loading of shrimp farms in Gomishan wetland, southern Caspian Sea

Ghodrati, Fateme; Ghorbani, Rasoul; Agh, Naser; Hedayati, Aliakbar; Naddafi, Rahmat; Jalali, Ali; Shiroudmirzaei, Fakhrie


Shrimp farming increases the nutrients, especially nitrogen in the water resources reducing water quality. This study was conducted to evaluate the nitrogen dynamics in white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) farms and the role of artificial lagoon (24 ha) in reducing nitrogen levels in Gomishan coastal wetland, the eastern Caspian Sea. The results indicated that at the end of the 4-month breeding period, the amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus introduced into Gomishan wetland were calculated as to 220.157 and 39 tons, respectively in a breeding area covering 830 hectares. Nitrogen values (based on nitrate) calculated based on the relationship between the basin and the discharge of the outlet channel of the site at the time of complete emptying of the farms, were calculated to be approximately 121.8 tons per breeding time that it had an important role in eliminating about 45% of nutrient pollution and reducing the concentration of dissolved nitrogen. Moreover, nitrogen isotopic trace was observed in shrimp samples, in similar levels in the samples of both shrimp pond and lagoon, which emphasizes the role of feeding from natural food, especially benthic fauna. Overall, due to the decline of Caspian Sea water level, Gomishan coastal wetland is drying, and the output of shrimp farms is currenly the only source supplying water for the wetland. Hence, appropriate management strategies could minimize the amounts of nutrients into the natural water whilst aiding wetland's survaival.

Publicerad i

Scientific Reports
2022, volym: 12, nummer: 1, artikelnummer: 22358

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