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Forskningsartikel2023Vetenskapligt granskad

Connecting distinct realms along multiple dimensions: A meta-ecosystem resilience perspective

Angeler, David G.; Heino, Jani; Rubio-Rios, Juan; Casas, J. Jesus


Resilience research is central to confront the sustainability challenges to ecosystems and human societies in a rapidly changing world. Given that social-ecological problems span the entire Earth system, there is a critical need for resil-ience models that account for the connectivity across intricately linked ecosystems (i.e., freshwater, marine, terrestrial, atmosphere). We present a resilience perspective of meta-ecosystems that are connected through the flow of biota, matter and energy within and across aquatic and terrestrial realms, and the atmosphere. We demonstrate ecological resilience sensu Holling using aquatic-terrestrial linkages and riparian ecosystems more generally. A discussion of ap-plications in riparian ecology and meta-ecosystem research (e.g., resilience quantification, panarchy, meta-ecosystem boundary delineations, spatial regime migration, including early warning indications) concludes the paper. Under-standing meta-ecosystem resilience may have potential to support decision making for natural resource management (scenario planning, risk and vulnerability assessments).


Aquatic-terrestrial coupling; Riparian ecosystems; Meta-ecosystems; Resilience; Panarchy; Spatial resilience; Spatial regimes; Scale; Meta-social-ecological systems

Publicerad i

Science of the Total Environment
2023, Volym: 889, artikelnummer: 164169
Utgivare: ELSEVIER

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