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Bokkapitel2023Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Land and Freshwater Complex Interactions in Boreal Forests: A Neglected Topic in Forest Management

Grosbois, Guillaume; Lau, Danny C P; Berggren, Martin; Montoro Girona, Miguel; Goedkoop, Willem; Messier, Christian; Hjältén, Joakim; del Giorgio, Paul A.


Aquatic and terrestrial habitats are interdependent components of the boreal forest landscape involving multiple dynamic interactions; these are manifested particularly in riparian areas, which are key components in the forest landscape. However, this interdependence between aquatic and terrestrial habitats is not adequately accounted for in the current management of forest ecosystems. Here we review the impacts of land disturbances on the optical and physicochemical properties of water bodies, aquatic food web health, and the ecological functioning of these freshwaters. We also describe how freshwaters influence the adjacent terrestrial ecosystems. A better understanding of these dynamic biotic and abiotic interactions between land and freshwater of the boreal forest is a first step toward including these freshwaters in the sustainable management of the boreal forest.

Publicerad i

Advances in Global Change Research
2023, nummer: 74, sidor: 719-745 Titel: Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change : Sustainable Management
ISBN: 978-3-031-15987-9, eISBN: 978-3-031-15988-6
Utgivare: Springer