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Rapport1995Öppen tillgång

Yield of Larix sukaczewii Dyl. in northern Sweden

Martinsson, Owe


The stem volume yield of twenty small stands of larch, mainly Larix sukaczewii Dyl., was studied in northern Sweden. The stand age range was 34-89 years. On the most productive sites trees attain a dominant height of 27 m at age 60 years. Tree height increment is still continuing at age 90 years. The productivity of larch varies widely, depending on site quality. During a 100-year rotation, the total volume yield of larch on medium sites was calculated at 500 m3 ha-', and at 1000 m3 ha-' on the most productive sites (both including bark). On the most productive sites, stem volume yield of larch exceeded that of indigenous conifers by 10-25 per cent (excluding bark). On poor, dry, flat or waterlogged sites the yield of larch was inferior to that of indigenous conifers. On high-altitude sites, surprisingly high yields were observed.


volume yield; dominant height; height increment; mean annual increment; conifers; taiga

Publicerad i

Studia Forestalia Suecica
1995, ISBN: 91-576-5007-1
Utgivare: Faculty of Forestry, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

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