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Bokkapitel2023Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Designing and adapting biodiversity monitoring schemes

Brown, Alan; Hedenås, Henrik; Holm, Einar; Lind, Torgny; Richards, Anna E.; Prober, Suzanne M.; Schmidt, Becky


Chapter 15 briefly reviews different types of monitoring and related methods, followed by a description of the common steps in the process of design, emphasizing how these can be influenced especially by changes in the objectives and opportunities from innovation. Two models show examples of how to conceptualize and simplify choices in what is being monitored and to predict future changes in forest management pressures. A brief discussion of sources of uncertainty in data collection is followed by a discussion of balancing continuity of monitoring design and methods against rapidly developing innovations in data collection and analysis, dividing the development of projects into four phases, with examples from forest inventory and the National Inventories of Landscapes in Sweden (NILS) landscape survey project.

Publicerad i

Titel: Monitoring Biodiversity : Combining Environmental and Social Data
ISBN: 978-1-032-01593-4, eISBN: 978-1-003-17924-5
Utgivare: Routledge