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Konferensabstrakt2021Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Simulation tool to analyze the silvicultural results of conceptual autonomous tree planting machines: a sub-study of the Swedish AutoPlant project

Eriksson, Anders; Manner, Jussi; Hansson, Linnea; Ersson, Back Tomas

Publicerad i

Titel: Proceedings of The Joint 43rd Annual Meeting of Council on Forest Engineering (COFE) & the 53rd International Symposium on Forest Mechanization (FORMEC)
ISBN: 979-8-9855282-0-6
Utgivare: COFE; FORMEC


The Joint 43rd Annual Meeting of Council on Forest Engineering (COFE) & the 53rd International Symposium on Forest Mechanization (FORMEC), Forest Engineering Family - Growing Forward Together, 2021, 27-30 September, Corvallis, OR, U.S.A.

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