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The history of Fagus sylvatica at its northern limit in Vendsyssel, Denmark

Hannon, Gina E.; Bradshaw, Richard H. W.; Chiverrell, Richard C.; Skovsgaard, Jens Peter


Pollen, plant macrofossils and charcoal analyses were used to study tree diversity, fire history and forest disturbance over the past c. 3500 years at threeforest remnant sites in Vendsyssel, northern Denmark. All locations had a more diverse tree composition in the past including abundant Alnus, Betula,Corylus, Pinus, Quercus, Salix, Tilia and Ulmus. The changes in tree diversity through time can be attributed to a combination of factors including climatechange, burning linked to shifting cultivation, grazing and felling. The balance between arboreal and non-arboreal pollen was already being influenced byhuman activities in the late Bronze Age c. 3000 years ago. The high pollen abundance values recorded for Tilia pre-2000 years ago are exceptional ascompared to later periods at these sites. At one location, the transition from Tilia to Fagus indicated that Tilia prevailed until c. 1300 years ago. Subsequentperiods of forest clearance, with charcoal and cereal cultivation, initially including Hordeum and subsequently also Secale, were recorded. There was pollenevidence for grazing followed by shrub regeneration including Calluna, Erica, Juniperus and herbaceous taxa, and following that, a forest recovery of mainlyFagus, Picea and Pinus. This recovery is also recorded in historical forest records from 1880 CE onwards, emphasising the dominant role of plantationschemes. Results are placed in a wider framework of other sites in Denmark and southern Scandinavia, which have also documented a reduction oftree diversity and forest cover over the same period. The evidence from the long-term record is used to draw conclusions to assist forest restorationprogrammes.


biodiversity; climate change; Fagus sylvatica; fire; grazing pressure; plant macrofossils; pollen analysis; temperate forest remnants; Tilia

Publicerad i

2024, Volym: 34, nummer: 7, sidor: 967 - 977