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Forskningsartikel2024Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Trade-offs in biodiversity and ecosystem services between edges and interiors in European forests

Vanneste, Thomas; Depauw, Leen; De Lombaerde, Emiel; Meeussen, Camille; Govaert, Sanne; De Pauw, Karen; Sanczuk, Pieter; Bollmann, Kurt; Brunet, Joerg; Calders, Kim; Cousins, Sara A. O.; Diekmann, Martin; Gasperini, Cristina; Graae, Bente J.; Hedwall, Per-Ola; Iacopetti, Giovanni; Lenoir, Jonathan; Lindmo, Sigrid; Orczewska, Anna; Ponette, Quentin;
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Forest biodiversity and ecosystem services are hitherto predominantly quantified in forest interiors, well away from edges. However, these edges also represent a substantial proportion of the global forest cover. Here we quantified plant biodiversity and ecosystem service indicators in 225 plots along forest edge-to-interior transects across Europe. We found strong trade-offs: phylogenetic diversity (evolutionary measure of biodiversity), proportion of forest specialists, decomposition and heatwave buffering increased towards the interior, whereas species richness, nectar production potential, stemwood biomass and tree regeneration decreased. These trade-offs were mainly driven by edge-to-interior structural differences. As fragmentation continues, recognizing the role of forest edges is crucial for integrating biodiversity and ecosystem service considerations into sustainable forest management and policy.In an analysis of forest edge-to-interior transects in Europe, the authors show that different facets of biodiversity and different types of ecosystem service are found in forest interiors versus edges, suggesting that both have a role to play in the provisioning of ecosystem services in landscapes.

Publicerad i

Nature ecology & evolution
2024, Volym: 8, nummer: 5, sidor: 880–887