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Forskningsartikel2023Vetenskapligt granskad

Effect of some soil chemical properties on the occurrence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in soils low pH growing rice plant in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

Xuan, D.T.; Nghi, P.T.H.; Oanh, T.O.; Phi, L.T.Y.; Khuong, N.Q.; Rosling, A.; Pha, N.T.; Högberg, N.


The results showed that about 7 – 64% of the rice roots were infected by AMF community. The infection structure included 3 main types of hyphae, arbuscules and vesicules. The density of AMF spores presented in the soil samples ranged from 500 to 1635 spores/100g of dry soil. The percentage of the AMF colonization had a positive correlation with soil pH value (r=0.72*), a negative correlation with electric conductivity EC (r=-0.87*), with organic matter content (r=-0.77*), with total phosphorouscontent (r=-0.71*) and positive correlation with the number of AMF spores (r=0.71*). The research illustrated the symbiosis system between AMF and rice roots and the correlation between the occurrence of AMF and soil pH, EC, organic matter content as well as the total phosphorous content in paddy fields under the soil low pH.


AMF spores; Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; Low-pH paddy soils; Percentage of AMF colonization

Publicerad i

International Journal of Agricultural Technology
2023, Volym: 19, nummer: 3, sidor: 1407-1420
Utgivare: Association of Agricultural Technology in Southeast Asia