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Forskningsartikel2022Vetenskapligt granskad

Combined Gas Chromatography and Single Sensillum Recording for Mosquitoes

Ignell, R.; Ghaninia, M.; Hill, S.R.


Combined gas chromatography and single sensillum recording (GC-SSR) joins together the established volatile compound separation and relative quantification techniques of GC with the ability to functionally screen olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) for volatile selectivity and sensitivity using SSR. With minimal equipment modification, including a splitter and a heated transfer line, half of the effluent from the gas chromatograph column is directed to the flame ionization detector and half to the mosquito antennae. This GC-SSR combination provides a bioassay capable of determining the salient natural ligands for individual OSNs and of providing accurate and comparable dose–response curves irrespective of differences in the volatility of the compounds.

Publicerad i

Cold Spring Harbor Protocols
2022, Volym: 2022, sidor: 426-434
Utgivare: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press