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Forskningsartikel2022Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

First records of Anagraphis ochracea (Araneae: Gnaphosidae) for continental Italy and Sicily with new observations on its myrmecophilous lifestyle

Lenzini, L.; Castellucci, F.; Poso, M.; Kulczycki, A.; Simeon, E.; Greco, G.; Piccinini, A.; Legittimo, C.M.


In the present study we describe and discuss for the first time the peculiar myrmecophilous habits of Anagraphis ochracea (L. Koch, 1867) and its strong association with the ant species Messor ibericus Santschi, 1931. The study is based on behavioural observations carried out both in the field and in captivity, and sheds light on the lifestyle of this poorly studied and rarely observed species. We also recorded the presence of A. ochracea on continental Italy and Sicily for the first time; provide a brief overview of its taxonomical history and present photographs of adult and juvenile specimens, the egg sac and the copulatory organs of both sexes. Finally, we provide a DNA-barcode (COI) for A. ochracea, which is the first for the genus Anagraphis as well.


ant; ant association; Arachnida; Messor ibericus; myrmecophily; spider; symbiosis

Publicerad i

Arachnologische Mitteilungen
2022, Volym: 64, nummer: 1, sidor: 83-92
Utgivare: Arachnologische Gesellschaft e.V.

    UKÄ forskningsämne

    Biologisk systematik

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