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Forskningsartikel2024Vetenskapligt granskad

Training forestry students for uncertainty and complexity: the development and assessment of a transformative roleplay

Wallin, I.; Brukas, V.


Climate change increases the uncertainties associated with the management of forests at the same time as societies seek to intensify the utilization of bio-based resources for climate mitigation. Participatory processes in decision-making are widely acknowledged to be suitable for finding effective and legitimate trade-offs in complex and uncertain situations. Inspired by transformative learning theory, we developed a roleplay within an international forestry master's program with the aim to train students' personal skills in preparation for a professional life involving participatory decision-making situations. The analysis of students' learning experiences, demonstrates the capacity of the roleplay to facilitate transformative learning and train crucial personal skills such as self-reflection, self-awareness and critical reflection. We provide guiding principles for implementing transformative roleplays, or further developing existing roleplays, in regular forestry curricula.


forest management; higher-education; participatory forest governance; professionals; experts

Publicerad i

International Forestry Review
2024, Volym: 26, nummer: 1, sidor: 93-109