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Faktablad2024Öppen tillgång

Going outside to reach inside : nature and animal-assisted interventions (NAAI) - A bridge to our embodied experiences

Apelqvist, Matilda; Sandsborg, Amanda; Schildt, Marc; Fagerberg, Maria; Tomicevic-Dubljevic, Jelena; Lidfors, Lena; Pálsdóttir, Anna María


The international master program Outdoor Environments for Health and Well-Being leads to a Master of Science degree specializing in Environmental psychology. The program covers topics on health-promoting outdoor environments throughout the lifespan, evidence-based health design, occupational aspects and the One Health concept. One of the courses offered is Nature and Animal-Assisted Interventions (MP0009), which focuses on occupations, occupational performance and values performed with natural elements and/or animals in indoor or outdoor settings, i.e. a place independent occupational performances for health promotion. The abstract and the poster in this fact sheet were presented at the course conference, the final moment at the NAAI course spring 2024.

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LTV-fakultetens faktablad
2024, nummer: 2024:8
Utgivare: Fakulteten för landskapsarkitektur, trädgårds- och växtproduktionsvetenskap, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

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