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SLU:s publikationsdatabas (SLUpub)

Konferensposter2024Öppen tillgång

Research in Relation to SDGs : the case of Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Albertsson, Daniel; Lundén, Tomas; Toljander, Ylva


This poster describes an initiative undertaken by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), to map their scientific output with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SLU wanted to assess its contributions to the SDGs and also to aim to understand its focus and impact on specific SDGs. Given that the SDG´s are not intended to be used for subject indexing of individual scholarly articles, but rather are politically motivated, different interpretations arise during the SDG classification of scholarly articles, leading to diverse results across approaches.SLU has adopted a customized approach, utilizing its local repository (SLUpub) to index publications with SDG data. Librarians manually screen search results, comparing article titles and abstracts with individual SDG targets, sub-targets, and indicators. The indexing process involves manual input, limited to three SDGs per publication. The resulting SDG data is showcased on a dedicated web page and integrated into SLUpub's web interface. Although the current process relies on English language articles and major commercial databases, future plans include expanding to cover Swedish articles and grey literature, with the repository as the primary source. The poster illustrates the indexing process and visualizations of SLU's contributions to the SDGs.


SDGs; visualization; search strategies; research trends; indexing; institutional repositories; OR2024

Publicerad i

Utgivare: Zenodo


The 19th International Conference on Open Repositories, June 3-6th 2024, Göteborg, Sweden

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UKÄ forskningsämne

Biblioteks-och informationsvetenskap

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