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Forskningsartikel2024Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

On-farm foliar application of a humic biostimulant increases the yield of rice

Izquierdo, Juan; Arriagada, Osvin; Garcia-Pintos, Gustavo; Ortiz, Rodomiro; Garcia-Pintos, Martin; Garcia-Pintos, Marcelo


Biostimulants play a crucial role in enhancing crop yields while promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility. Evaluating the efficacy of biostimulants on-farm requires rigorous, multiyear trials conducted across various locations and with different cultivars. This study was conducted in Uruguay from 2015 to 2023 to assess the impact of a single application of a humic biostimulant (HB) during the R3 phenological stage on irrigated rice (Oryza sativa L.). The study encompassed 103 farms situated in diverse cropping zones, each characterized by distinct cultivars, soil qualities, radiation, and temperature conditions across the East and North regions. Results revealed that the HB treatment elicited an average yield increase of 7.4% across all sites. Notably, 93% (97) of the trials exhibited a positive yield response, with an average increase of 8.5%, while only six trials (all in the eastern zone) showed a negative response to the HB treatment. A combined analysis of variance indicated that the biostimulant's effect did not significantly differ between production zones, years, or rice cultivars when negative responses were excluded. Furthermore, relationships with environmental variables were nonsignificant, underscoring the positive effect of the biostimulant regardless of location. These findings hold significant implications for Uruguay's rice sector, that is, integrating HBs into standard management practices could substantially boost irrigated rice yields in rice-producing areas.

Publicerad i

Agronomy Journal
2024, volym: 116, nummer: 5, sidor: 2551-2563

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