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Översiktsartikel2016Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Insights from two-dimensional mapping of otolith chemistry

Limburg, K. E.; Elfman, M.


Non-destructive microbeam-based methods were used for 2-D mapping of trace elements to gain a greater appreciation of otolith composition and spatial configuration. Based on studies of a wide variety of fish taxa, this approach more fully captures the nature of otolith chemical heterogeneity. Such variations may be due to a number of factors, including differences in crystallization, genetics, growth or even sample preparation or contamination. Examples presented here highlight research conducted at the Lund Ion Beam Analysis Facility (LIBAF) and at the Cornell High-Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS).


ion-beam analysis; micro-PIXE; nuclear reaction analysis; synchrotron-based XRF

Publicerad i

Journal of Fish Biology
2016, Volym: 90, nummer: 2, sidor: 480-491