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Forskningsartikel2006Vetenskapligt granskad

Carbon and nitrogen stocks in soil, trees and field vegetation in conifer plantations 10 years after deep soil cultivation and patch scarification

Nordborg F, Nilsson U, Gemmel P, Orlander G


Biomass, total nitrogen (N) and total carbon (C) stocks were determined in trees, roots, field vegetation and soil in plots given two different site preparation treatments, deep soil cultivation (DSC) approximately 50 cm deep and patch scarification (PS), at three locations in Sweden 10 years after treatment. One location was planted with Pinus contorta, one with Picea abies and one with a mixture of P. abies and Pinus sylvestris. No differences were found in total ecosystem (trees, roots, field vegetation and soil) C and N stocks between the DSC and PS plots. In the DSC plots the tree biomass, tree N and C contents and total biomass were higher than in the PS plots, but the opposite was found for stocks in field vegetation. Biomass and C stocks in the total vegetation (trees, roots and field vegetation) were higher in the DSC plots. However, vegetation N stocks did not differ between the soil treatments, probably because the combined amount of leaf tissue in the trees and field vegetation did not differ between them. The proportions of biomass allocated to roots, stems and needles did not differ between the two treatments. However, the rooting was deeper in DSC plots, possibly because nutrient availability was higher, and subsoil density lower, following DSC than following PS

Publicerad i

Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research
2006, Volym: 21, nummer: 5, sidor: 356-363

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