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Forskningsartikel2007Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

EVALLER: a web server for in silico assessment of potential protein allergenicity

Barrio AM, Soeria-Atmadja D, Nister A, Gustafsson MG, Hammerling U, Bongcam-Rudloff E


Bioinformatics testing approaches for protein allergenicity, involving amino acid sequence comparisons, have evolved appreciably over the last several years to increased sophistication and performance. EVALLER, the web server presented in this article is based on our recently published 'Detection based on Filtered Length-adjusted Allergen Peptides' (DFLAP) algorithm, which affords in silico determination of potential protein allergenicity of high sensitivity and excellent specificity. To strengthen bioinformatics risk assessment in allergology EVALLER provides a comprehensive outline of its judgment on a query protein's potential allergenicity. Each such textual output incorporates a scoring figure, a confidence numeral of the assignment and information on high- or low-scoring matches to identified allergen-related motifs, including their respective location in accordingly derived allergens. The interface, built on a modified Perl Open Source package, enables dynamic and color-coded graphic representation of key parts of the output. Moreover, pertinent details can be examined in great detail through zoomed views. The server can be accessed at html

Publicerad i

Nucleic Acids Research
2007, Volym: 35, sidor: W694-W700