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Forskningsartikel2008Vetenskapligt granskad

Comparison of Environmental Effects and Resource Consumption for Different Wastewater and Organic Waste Management Systems in a New City Area in Sweden

Hellstrom, Daniel; Baky, Andras; Jeppsson, Ulf; Jonsson, Hakan; Karrman, Erik


An analysis of the environmental effects and resource consumption by four systems for management of wastewater and organic household waste in a new city area have been performed, as follows: (1) conventional system complemented with advanced sludge treatment for phosphorus recovery, (2) blackwater system with urine diversion and food waste disposers, (3) blackwater system with food waste disposers and reverse osmosis, and (4) local wastewater treatment plant with nutrient recovery by using reverse osmosis.Substance-flow analysis and energy/exergy calculations were performed by using the software tool URWARE/ORWARE. Emissions were calculated and classified based on the impact categories global warming potential, acidification, and eutrophication, according to ISO14042 (2000). The analysis also included nutrient recovery (i.e., the potential to use nutrients as a fertilizer). Depending on which aspects are prioritized, different systems can be considered to be the most advantageous. Water Environ. Res., 80, 708 (2008).


eutrophication; wastewater; organic waste; sustainability; substance-flow analysis; environmental systems analysis; URWARE

Publicerad i

Water Environment Research
2008, Volym: 80, nummer: 8, sidor: 708-718

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