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Forskningsartikel2012Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Evaluation of a positioning method for equine lateral stifle scintigrams

Mathis, Marion Grapperon; Ley, Charles; Berger, Mieth; Hansson, Kerstin


Conclusions: The use of point sources to guide gamma camera position results in less variation in the lateral scintigram than if the distal limb is used as guidance due to a difference in FC angle between horses. The point source guided positioning method is considered suitable as a reference standard method to obtain lateral scintigrams of the equine stifle, and it will be of value in clinical scintigraphy and research. The use of alignment of specifically located point sources may also be applied in other regions to standardize scintigraphic views.

Publicerad i

Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica
2012, Volym: 54