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Forskningsartikel2000Vetenskapligt granskad

Conservation of Forest in Sweden: a strategic ecological analysis

Fridman, Jonas


Policies for future conservation of forests must be preceded by an evaluation of the present reserves. Using data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory, this study analyses Swedish reserves, i.e. national parks, nature reserves and forest service reserves, in terms of proportion of forest, stand age, site quality, tree species composition and tree volumes. The results show that in Sweden, the proportion of productive forest within reserves is 20% compared to 60% of the non-reserve land area, and that the volume of dead trees is greater in reserves. In general the distribution of forests within reserves is skewed towards old, low:productivity Norway spruce forests in Northwest Sweden. This allocation may not meet the demands for protection of the habitats of endangered species. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


forest reserves; inventory; biodiversity; dead trees; Swedish National Forest Inventory

Publicerad i

Biological Conservation
2000, Volym: 96, nummer: 1, sidor: 95-103 Utgivare: ELSEVIER SCI LTD

      SLU författare

    • Fridman, Jonas

      • Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

    Associerade SLU-program


    UKÄ forskningsämne


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