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Forskningsartikel2004Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Dietary alkylresorcinols: Absorption, bioactivities, and possible use as biomarkers of whole-grain wheat- and rye-rich foods

Ross AB, Kamal-Eldin A, Aman P


The biologic and chemical properties of alkidres-orcinols (ARs) have been reviewed previously, but there has been relatively little research or focus on the importance of ARs in food and diet. ARs represent a significant proportion of the phytochemicals present In wheat and rye, in which they normally exist in concentrations between 300 and 1500 mug/g. ARs are concentrated in the bran fraction of these cereals, and are therefore a significant component of food products rich in whole grain wheat and rye but not in products containing only, refined,cereal flour. In this review, we discuss the presence of ARs in food, methods of analysis, their absorption and role in the diet in light of their in vitro bioactivities, and their possible use as biomarkers of whole-grain wheat and rye intake

Publicerad i

Nutrition Reviews
2004, Volym: 62, nummer: 3, sidor: 81-95