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Forskningsartikel2011Vetenskapligt granskad

Chopping of whole-crop barley silage improves intake and live-weight gain of young dairy steers

Rustas, Bengt-Ove; Nadeau, Elisabet


This experiment evaluated the effect of chopping whole-crop barley silage on intake, diet selection and live-weight gain in young dairy steers. Whole-crop barley harvested at the dough stage of maturity and preserved as round bale silage was fed ad libitum in its long form or precision-chopped to 63 pen-housed dairy steers (average weight 173, s.d. 39 kg). In addition, each animal received 0.6 kg of soybean meal, 0.4 kg of barley grain and 0.08 kg of mineral feed daily. Chopping increased dry matter intake of whole-crop barley silage by 23% and live-weight gain by 22%. Higher concentrations of starch in the orts from steers when fed unchopped silage reflected sorting against grain, probably caused by long awns in the unchopped silage, which were not present in the chopped silage. No sorting against grain occurred in the chopped silage. Chopping increased intake of whole-crop barley silage and live-weight gain of young dairy steers, probably due to negative effects of long awns in the unchopped whole-crop barley silage on intake. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Whole-crop barley silage; Chopping; Diet selection

Publicerad i

Livestock Science
2011, Volym: 141, nummer: 1, sidor: 80-84