Blokhuis, Harry
- Institutionen för tillämpad husdjursvetenskap och välfärd, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Forskningsartikel2010Vetenskapligt granskad
Blokhuis, Harry; Veissier, I.; Miele, M.; Jones, B.
Welfare Quality (R) was the largest ever European research project on animal welfare. Here, we briefly describe some major achievements of Welfare Quality (R) and identify future research priorities, potential strategies and organisational structures to build on the outcomes. Achievements include: definition of principles and criteria of good welfare; development of standardised, primarily animal-based measures for each welfare criterion and their integration in an overall assessment model. Since Welfare Quality (R) could not answer all the questions we recommend: Continued development and refinement of the assessment systems and extension to new species. The development of automatic measures of welfare to reduce the duration of the assessment while still retaining its holistic nature. Exploration of potential implementation strategies across food chain actors. Establishment of an independent body to manage and update the assessment and information systems, support their implementation and inform and engage stakeholders.
Animal welfare; information system; policy recommendations; public involvement; welfare assessment; welfare improvement
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Science
2010, Volym: 60, nummer: 3, sidor: 129-140 Utgivare: TAYLOR & FRANCIS AS
SDG2 Ingen hunger
SDG3 God hälsa och välbefinnande