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Forskningsartikel2013Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

The Moss Physcomitrella patens Reproductive Organ Development Is Highly Organized, Affected by the Two SHI/STY Genes and by the Level of Active Auxin in the SHI/STY Expression Domain

Landberg, Katarina; Pederson, Eric; Viaene, Tom; Bozorg, Behruz; Friml, Jiri; Jönsson, Henrik; Thelander, Mattias; Sundberg, Eva


In order to establish a reference for analysis of the function of auxin and the auxin biosynthesis regulators SHORT INTERNODE/STYLISH (SHI/STY) during Physcomitrella patens reproductive development, we have described male (antheridial) and female (archegonial) development in detail, including temporal and positional information of organ initiation. This has allowed us to define discrete stages of organ morphogenesis and to show that reproductive organ development in P. patens is highly organized and that organ phyllotaxis differs between vegetative and reproductive development. Using the PpSHI1 and PpSHI2 reporter and knockout lines, the auxin reporters GmGH3(pro):GUS and PpPINA(pro): GFP-GUS, and the auxin-conjugating transgene PpSHI2(pro):IAAL, we could show that the PpSHI genes, and by inference also auxin, play important roles for reproductive organ development in moss. The PpSHI genes are required for the apical opening of the reproductive organs, the final differentiation of the egg cell, and the progression of canal cells into a cell death program. The apical cells of the archegonium, the canal cells, and the egg cell are also sites of auxin responsiveness and are affected by reduced levels of active auxin, suggesting that auxin mediates PpSHI function in the reproductive organs.

Publicerad i

Plant Physiology
2013, volym: 162, nummer: 3, sidor: 1406-1419

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