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Forskningsartikel2014Vetenskapligt granskad

Study of the curing mechanism of metal alkoxide liquid threads for the synthesis of metal oxide fibers or microtubes

Part, Marko; Hanschmidt, Kelli; Jõgi, Jakob; Rauwel, Erwan; Seisenbaeva, Gulaim; Kessler, Vadim; Tätte, Tanel


Curing processes enabling transformation of liquid threads into solid material have gained technological importance. Our study is focusing on the comparison of curing mechanisms for metal alkoxide-derived liquid threads. We studied the mechanisms of the formation of fine metal oxide fibers or hollow microtubes by comparing the solidification of propoxide and butoxide precursors.

Publicerad i

RSC Advances
2014, Volym: 4, nummer: 24, sidor: 12545-12554