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Classification of mountain vegetation using plot data from the new National Inventory of the Landscape in Sweden (NILS) and Landsat satellite data

Reese Heather, Nilsson Mats


Abstract – The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency is interested in obtaining current, detailed maps of mountain vegetation in Sweden. A project began in 2003 to map mountain vegetation using Landsat satellite data and field data from a new inventory called NILS (National Inventory of the Landscape in Sweden). NILS is the first country-wide systematic ground inventory to include the mountain area, and it is of interest to use these data for satellite data classification. Three Landsat scenes were topographically corrected and radiometrically corrected (using relative calibration from TERRA MODIS data). This allowed use of field data from all three scenes for classification. Supervised and unsupervised classification were tested and compared. Using NILS field data for accuracy assessment of the unsupervised classification, an overall accuracy for 19 vegetation classes was approximately 74%. The resulting supervised classification was better than expected given the limited amount of NILS field data. Using an increased number of NILS data, supervised classification may be a viable method for future classifications of mountain vegetation


mountain vegetation; field inventory; Landsat

Publicerad i

Utgivare: Proceedings, ISRSE Symposium


31st International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment

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Miljö- och naturvårdsvetenskap

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