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Övrig publikation2014

Studies of the Genetic Background of a Teat Defect in Pigs Born in Germany and Sweden

Jonas, Elisabeth; Chalkias, Helena; Neuhoff, C.; Lindgren, Gabriella; De Koning, Dirk-Jan


To improve the understanding of the genetics underlying the inverted teat defect in pigs, we combined studies from Germany and Sweden. Based on a linkage study in Germany which revealed highly significant loci in an experimental population, confirmation of regions was attempted using commercial animals. A genome-wide association study on commercial pigs was also conducted in Sweden. Since both datasets of commercial pigs had a relatively low number of samples, we tested if microsatellite and data of SNP arrays have, in a combined analysis, enough power to validate loci with a higher reliability. We combined microsatellite data and haplotypes and verified associated alleles on chromosomes 1, 4, 6, 11, 14 and 18. Approaches like these present an opportunity to re-use old datasets and to increase the power of recent association studies when samples or further funding are not available.

Publicerad i

Titel: Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production

Utgivare: WCGALP