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Consistency of quasi-maximum likelihood estimators for the reduced regime-switching GARCH model

Xie, Yingfu; Yu, Jun


Regime-switching GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic) model combines the idea of Markov switching and GARCH model, which can also be considered as an extension of Hidden Markov model. The statistical inference for this model is, however, rather difficult because of the dependencies to the whole regime history. In this paper, we obtain the consistency of quasi-maximum likelihood estimator for a reduced regime-switching GARCH model. Simulation studies to illustrate consistency, asymptotic normality of the proposed estimators, as well as a model misspecification problem are also presented


Asymptotic Normality; Consistency; GARCH model; Hidden Markov Model; Regime-switching; Quasi-MLE

Publicerad i

Research report (Centre of Biostochastics)
2005, volym: 2005, nummer: 2, sidor: 1-15
Utgivare: SLU

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