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Bok (redaktörskap)2015

Innovative tools to support cooperation among stakeholders in Baltic Landscapes – a Handbook

Lidestav, Gun (red.); Svensson, Johan (red.); Hedblom, Marcus (red.)


In present planning of landscapes there are large gaps between internationalConventions and on the ground implementations. With this handbook, the BalticLandscape project aim to share major experiences and knowledge gained duringthe years 2012-2015 to support stakeholder cooperation, integrated planning, andsustainable landscape management. A network of seven landscape sites in Belarus,Finland, Poland and Sweden were established and in line with the project objectives–– a multiplicity of tools and approaches was developed and applied. In some cases,existing tools have been used in new contexts. In other cases, we have found newways of combining old and new techniques to create engagement, interaction andco-production of knowledge between stakeholders. Thereby, we hope that this realcasebased compilation of tools and approaches will help reducing local conflictsaround natural resources in landscape planning and support the work to meetobjectives of EU Conventions on sustainability.The first part of the handbook provides an overall project context, introducing theconcepts of ”landscape“, ”sustainable forest management“, the European LandscapeConvention and the Water Framework Directive, whereupon the importance ofintegrated and participatory approaches is emphasized. The second part of thehandbook includes 29 different tools and approaches that have been used in oneor more of the seven landscapes. The different tools and experiences are furtherordered in five major groups: i) Identifying problems in the landscapes and identifypotential stakeholder’s (chapter 2.1 – 2.5) ii) Analyzing the identified problems(chapter 2.6 – 2.9) iii) How to communicate with stakeholders (chapter 2.10 –2.17) iv) agreeing and solving of problems and conflicts (chapter 2.18 – 2.20)v) Disseminating experience (chapter 2.21 -2.29). The first and second parts arefollowed by some conclusions and recommendations. Last but not least we providea list of corresponding reports to the projects provided and mentioned in thechapters where the reader can get more in-depth description of the use of tools andapproaches.A large number of project participants from all the seven Baltic Landscape sitesrepresenting five different work packages have provided to the text in the chapters.Before publishing, each chapter have been reviewed and edited by the team of editors.

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Utgivare: Baltic Landscape