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Forskningsartikel2003Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Response of newly planted Norway spruce seedlings to fertilization, irrigation and herbicide treatments

Nilsson U, Orlander G


The effect of herbicide, fertilization and irrigation treatments on growth of planted Norway spruce seedlings were investigated in an experiment established in 1998 in southern Sweden. After three years, the amount of ground vegetation was about the same in fertilized, irrigated and fertilized + irrigated plots, but the amount was about double as in the control. Seedling growth was positively affected by the herbicide treatment. Fertilization increased growth when it was combined with herbicides. Irrigation did not have any significant effect on seedling growth. Results from this study indicate that competition for water between ground vegetation and planted Norway spruce seedlings is of little importance. However, this conclusion is restricted to seedling growth during years with at least normal precipitation. It was also indicated that increased nutrient availability is positive for seedling establishment and growth, but that the planted seedlings were not growing at their potential even when herbicide, irrigation and fertilization treatments were combined indicating establishment problems

Publicerad i

Annals of Forest Science
2003, Volym: 60, nummer: 7, sidor: 637-643
Utgivare: E D P SCIENCES