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Wallowa County, Oregon, USA : Restoration of Forest Systems and Rural Livelihoods

Jones, Mike; Christoffersen, Nils


This report applies Holling's Panarchy to assess the changes that occurred in Wallowa County, Oregon as the timber industry grew and then collapsed following the listing of Chinook Salmon as an endangered species. This resulted in widespread changes to the economy of Wallowa County and a decline in the health of forest. Apart from one successful restoration of a 190,000 acre site on Lower Joseph Creek that became a model for successful collaboration, attempts to restore the Wallowa Whitman National Forest are failing due to the conflicting goals of forest stakeholders. The forest and Wallowa County are sinking into a poverty trap, maintained by political gridlock among stakeholders.

Publicerad i

Utgivare: IUCN

SLU författare

UKÄ forskningsämne


Publikationens identifierare

  • ISBN: c978-2-8317-1809-5

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