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Forskningsartikel2017Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Interaction webs in arctic ecosystems: Determinants of arctic change?

Schmidt, Niels M.; Hardwick, Bess; Gilg, Olivier; Hoye, Toke T.; Krogh, Paul Henning; Meltofte, Hans; Michelsen, Anders; Mosbacher, Jesper B.; Raundrup, Katrine; Reneerkens, Jeroen; Stewart, Laeke; Wirta, Helena; Roslin, Tomas


How species interact modulate their dynamics, their response to environmental change, and ultimately the functioning and stability of entire communities. Work conducted at Zackenberg, Northeast Greenland, has changed our view on how networks of arctic biotic interactions are structured, how they vary in time, and how they are changing with current environmental change: firstly, the high arctic interaction webs are much more complex than previously envisaged, and with a structure mainly dictated by its arthropod component. Secondly, the dynamics of species within these webs reflect changes in environmental conditions. Thirdly, biotic interactions within a trophic level may affect other trophic levels, in some cases ultimately affecting land-atmosphere feedbacks. Finally, differential responses to environmental change may decouple interacting species. These insights form Zackenberg emphasize that the combination of long-term, ecosystem-based monitoring, and targeted research projects offers the most fruitful basis for understanding and predicting the future of arctic ecosystems.


Ecosystem function; Ecosystem services; Network; Plant-herbivore; Plant-pollinator; Predator-prey

Publicerad i

AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment
2017, Volym: 46, nummer: Suppl. 1, sidor: S12-S25
Utgivare: SPRINGER

    Globala målen

    SDG13 Bekämpa klimatförändringarna

    UKÄ forskningsämne


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