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Forskningsartikel2016Vetenskapligt granskad

A refined algorithm to simulate latex colloid agglomeration at high ionic strength

Henry, Christophe; Norrfors, K. Karin; Olejnik, Michal; Bouby, Muriel; Luetzenkirchen, Johannes; Wold, Susanna; Minier, Jean-Pierre


This study is focussed on the simulation of particle agglomeration at relatively high ionic strength using a refined stochastic algorithm developed in the context of parcel-tracking approaches. For that purpose, experimental data of both diffusion-limited and reaction-limited aggregation of latex particles were obtained using dynamic light scattering techniques for different initial particle sizes (diameters ranging from 24 to 495 nm) and at various chemical conditions (ionic strength between 0.5 and 2 M with NaCl or CaCl2 solutions). The experimental data collected have been compared to numerical results obtained with the refined parcel-tracking algorithm for particle agglomeration which has been developed. Results show that the evolution of the aggregate diameters over time can be properly captured by the present model with the value of the aggregate fractal dimension that is extracted from experimental data.


Agglomeration; Colloid; Parcel tracking; Fractal dimension

Publicerad i

2016, Volym: 22, nummer: 4-6, sidor: 503-515

    UKÄ forskningsämne

    Fysikalisk kemi
    Oorganisk kemi

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