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SLU:s publikationsdatabas (SLUpub)


Improvement of resistance against Septoria Leaf Blotch caused by the fungus Zymposeptoria tritici in Danish winter wheat cultivars

Vagndorf, Nana; Justesen, Annemarie F.; Orabi, Jihad; Andersen, Jeppe Reitan; Jahoor, Ahmed; Jorgensen, Lise Nistrup

Publicerad i

Titel: 9th International Symposium on Septoria Diseases of Cereals


9th International Symposium on Septoria Diseases of Cereals, Paris, Frankrik

SLU författare

  • Jahoor, Ahmed

    • Nordic Seed A/S

UKÄ forskningsämne

Genetik och förädling

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