Seiler, Andreas
- Institutionen för ekologi, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Spindler, Elke; Sjölund, Anders; Böttcher, Marita; Georgiadis, Lazaros; Rosell, Carme; Røsten, Erland; Sangwine, Tony; Seiler, Andreas; Puky, Miklós
Berichte des Instituts Verkehr und Raum
2014, nummer: 18, sidor: 126-136 Titel: How to push the implementation of the European Green Belt by landscape policy instruments? proceedings of the 2nd GreenNet Conference, 19 / 20 of February 2013, Vienna
Utgivare: Department of Landscape Architecture &Transport and Spatial Planning Institute, University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
2nd GreenNet Conference