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Forskningsartikel2000Vetenskapligt granskad

Seasonal changes in sediment phosphorus forms in relation to sedimentation and benthic bacterial biomass in Lake Erken

Goedkoop, Willem; Pettersson, Kurt


Surficial sediment and sedimenting material were sampled during spring and summer 1991 in Lake Erken. Sediment was analyzed for redox potential, P concentrations and bacterial biomass. Sedimentation and chlorophyll a concentrations of sedimenting matter were determined. Additionally, different phosphorus forms in surficial sediment were quantified using sequential fractionation. The resulting dataset was used to study the effects of sedimentation events following phytoplankton blooms and benthic bacterial biomass on the size of the various phosphorus pools in the sediment.Sedimentation of spring diatoms caused a rapid increase in the NH4Cl- and NaOH-extractable P (NH4Cl-P and NaOH-rP) in the sediment. During sedimentation, NaOH-rP and NH4Cl-P increased within 3 days from 422 +/- 17 mu g g(-1) DW to 537 +/- 8.0 mu g g(-1) DW and from 113 +/- 13 mu g g(-1) DW to 186 +/- 26 mu g g(-1) DW, respectively. The NaOH-nrP (non-reactive P) fraction made up about 17% of Tot-P in sediment samples, whereas NaOH-rP and HCl-P made up 25% each. All P forms showed considerable seasonal variation. Significant relationships were found between bacterial biomass and the NaOH-nrP and NH4Cl-P fractions in the sediment, respectively. Also regressions of NaOH-nrP and NH4Cl-P versus the chlorophyll a concentration of sedimenting matter were highly significant. These regressions lend support to the conjecture that NaOH-nrP is a conservative measure of bacterial poly-P.

Publicerad i

2000, volym: 431, nummer: 1, sidor: 41-50

SLU författare

UKÄ forskningsämne


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