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Explaining pig farmers' intention to reduce their antimicrobial usage: findings from a survey in six European countries

Nielsen, B.; Visschers, V.H.M.; Backhans, Annette; Collineau, Lucie; Loesken, S.; Postma, Merel; Belloc, C.; Dewulf, Jeroen; Emanuelson, Ulf; Grosse Beilage, E.; Sjölund, M.; Stärk, K.

Titel: esphm 2015 : 7th European symposium of porcine health management : 22-24 april 2015 : nantes, France : cité Nantes Events Center : : proceedings

Utgivare: ESPHM


7th European symposium of porcine health management (ESPHM 2015)