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Forskningsartikel2018Vetenskapligt granskad

Behavior and performance of dairy cows after transfer from tied to cubicle housing

Pavlenko, Anne; Lidfors, Lena; Arney, David R.; Kaart, Tanel; Aland, Andres


Behavior and performance changes when tied dairy cows were moved to a loose housing system in a cubicle system were investigated. Behavioral observations were made for 3 consecutive days in 3 periods after transition. The cows (n=105) were observed on 18 sampling occasions for 1 month. Recordings were made of body positions and general and social behaviors. Monthly milk records were collected 1 year before and 1 year after transition. Cows walked more during the 1st observation period than during the other periods (p<.05). Walking activity also differed between days when nested to period (p<.05). During the 1st period, cows ruminated while standing more than during the 3rd period (p<.05). Cows ate and groomed less and vocalized more during the 1st period (p<.05). It was concluded that after transition from a tied to a cubicle system, several behaviors were affected during the 1st days, and milk production of multiparous cows was negatively affected, although this effect was not long-term.


Dairy cow; cubicle housing; behavior; milk production; reproduction

Publicerad i

Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
2018, Volym: 21, nummer: 1, sidor: 82-92

    Associerade SLU-program

    Excellenscentrum för djurvälfärd

    UKÄ forskningsämne


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