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Proceedings (redaktörskap)2017Öppen tillgång

Proceedings of the International Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture on Organic Soils 23rd – 24th of November 2017, Uppsala, Sweden

Berglund, Kerstin (red.); Berglund, Örjan (red.)


Peatlands store a major share of the world’s soil organic carbon. Many European peatlands have been drained and cultivated in the past centuries. This fosters land surface subsidence and peat mineralization. Therefore, drained organic soils are a large source of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and, at the same time, at a high risk of being degraded and lost. At this conference, we want to discuss options for maintaining production on organic soils while reducing GHG emissions and buffering climate change. The meeting aims for the exchange of current research results both from natural and social sciences. The conference is divided into 5 sessions with oral presentations covering the following topics: - Water management - Soil and management and nutrient leaching - Economy and policy - Growing adapted biomass - Greenhouse gas emissions There is also a poster session covering all topics of the conference. You are all warmly welcome to Uppsala, Sweden. We hope the conference will inspire fruitful discussions on how to manage agricultural organic soils in the future. Uppsala 2017-11-15 On behalf of the organizing committee, Kerstin Berglund and Örjan Berglund Department of soil and environment SLU, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences


water management; soil management; nutrient leaching; biomass growing; greenhouse gas emissions; peatlands

Publicerad i

Rapport (Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för markvetenskap, Avdelningen för hydroteknik)
2017, nummer: 17
Titel: Proceedings of the International Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture on Organic Soils 23rd – 24th of November 2017, Uppsala, Sweden
Utgivare: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för markvetenskap, Avdelningen för hydroteknik

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