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Forskningsartikel2018Vetenskapligt granskad

Mapping of food waste quantification methodologies in the food services of Swedish municipalities

Eriksson, Mattias; Lindgren, Samuel; Osowski, Christine Persson


Since food waste valorisation measures, like energy recovery, have limited possibilities to fully recover the resources invested in food production, there is a need to prevent food waste. Prevention is most important at the end of the value chain, where most sub-processes have already taken place, like in catering facilities. In Sweden, the public catering sector serves a large number of meals through municipal organisations, including schools, preschools and elderly care homes. Many of these organisations quantify food waste, but since Sweden has 290 municipalities with a high degree of independence, the possible variation is significant. This study therefore investigated how food waste is quantified, in order to help formulate a national standard for food waste quantification.Mapping of food waste quantification practices was conducted using a questionnaire and follow-up telephone calls, achieving a response rate of 93%. Of the 290 Swedish municipalities, 55% replied that they quantify food waste on central level. The most common practice at present is to quantify plate- and serving waste from school lunches during two weeks per year, and to compile waste data in spreadsheets and compare the values against the number of plates used, giving a result in grams per portion served. There are many similarities between municipalities, so there is great potential to implement a common standard that many municipalities already fulfil. This is important in order to gain acceptance and fast implementation, thereby speeding up the process of establishing a benchmark for food waste in the Swedish public sector catering sector.


Food waste; School; Preschool; Elderly care; Canteens; Municipalities

Publicerad i

Resources, Conservation and Recycling
2018, volym: 137, sidor: 191-199

SLU författare

Associerade SLU-program

Food Waste

Globala målen (SDG)

SDG2 Ingen hunger
SDG12 Hållbar konsumtion och produktion

UKÄ forskningsämne

Annan naturresursteknik
Miljöteknik och miljöledning

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