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Forskningsartikel2018Vetenskapligt granskad

Sustainability impacts of increased forest biomass feedstock supply - a comparative assessment of technological solutions

Tuomasjukka, Diana; Martire, Salvatore; Lindner, Marcus; Athanassiadis, Dimitris; Kuehmaier, Martin; Tumajer, Jan; Vis, Martijn; Spinelli, Raffaele; Dees, Matthias; Prinz, Robert; Routa, Johanna; Asikainen, Antti


Sustainably managed forests provide renewable raw material that can be used for primary/secondary conversion products and as biomass for energy generation. The potentially available amounts of timber, which are still lower than annual increments, have been published earlier. Access to this timber can be challenging for small-dimensioned assortments; however, technologically improved value chains can make them accessible while fulfilling economic and environment criteria. This paper evaluates the economic, environmental and social sustainability impacts of making the potentially available timber available with current and technologically improved value chains. This paper focuses on increasing the biomass feedstock supply for energy generation. Quantified impact assessments show which improvements - in terms of costs, employment, fuel and energy use, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions - can be expected if better mechanized machines are provided. Using three different methods - Sustainability Impacts Assessment (SIA), Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), and Emission Saving Criteria (ESC) - we calculated current and innovative machine solutions in terms of fuel use, energy use, and greenhouse gas emissions, to quantify the impact of the technology choice and also the effect of the choice of assessment method. Absolute stand-alone values can be misleading in analyses, and the use of different impact calculation approaches in parallel is clarifying the limits of using LCA-based approaches. The ESC has been discussed for the recast of the Renewable Energy Directive. Potential EU-wide results are presented.


Bioenergy; technological innovations; value chains; sustainability; Renewable Energy Directive targets

Publicerad i

International Journal of Forest Engineering
2018, Volym: 29, nummer: 2, sidor: 99-116

    Globala målen

    SDG7 Hållbar energi för alla
    SDG12 Hållbar konsumtion och produktion
    SDG15 Ekosystem och biologisk mångfald

    UKÄ forskningsämne


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