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Forskningsartikel2019Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Kinetic and molecular dynamics study of inhibition and transglycosylation in Hypocrea jecorina family 3 beta-glucosidases

Geronimo, Inacrist; Ntarima, Patricia; Piens, Kathleen; Gudmundsson, Mikael; Hansson, Henrik; Sandgren, Mats; Payne, Christina M.


-Glucosidases enhance enzymatic biomass conversion by relieving cellobiose inhibition of endoglucanases and cellobiohydrolases. However, the susceptibility of these enzymes to inhibition and transglycosylation at high glucose or cellobiose concentrations severely limits their activity and, consequently, the overall efficiency of enzyme mixtures. We determined the impact of these two processes on the hydrolytic activity of the industrially relevant family 3 -glucosidases from Hypocrea jecorina, HjCel3A and HjCel3B, and investigated the underlying molecular mechanisms through kinetic studies, binding free energy calculations, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. HjCel3B had a 7-fold higher specificity for cellobiose than HjCel3A but greater tendency for glucose inhibition. Energy decomposition analysis indicated that cellobiose has relatively weak electrostatic interactions with binding site residues, allowing it to be easily displaced by glucose and free to inhibit other hydrolytic enzymes. HjCel3A is, thus, preferable as an industrial -glucosidase despite its lower activity caused by transglycosylation. This competing pathway to hydrolysis arises from binding of glucose or cellobiose at the product site after formation of the glycosyl-enzyme intermediate. MD simulations revealed that binding is facilitated by hydrophobic interactions with Trp-37, Phe-260, and Tyr-443. Targeting these aromatic residues for mutation to reduce substrate affinity at the product site would therefore potentially mitigate transglycosidic activity. Engineering improved variants of HjCel3A and other structurally similar -glucosidases would have a significant economic effect on enzymatic biomass conversion in terms of yield and production cost as the process can be consequently conducted at higher substrate loadings.


glycoside hydrolase; carbohydrate-binding protein; inhibition mechanism; enzyme kinetics; molecular dynamics; cellulose; biofuel; transglycosylation

Publicerad i

Journal of Biological Chemistry
2019, volym: 294, nummer: 9, sidor: 3169-3180

SLU författare

UKÄ forskningsämne

Biokemi och molekylärbiologi

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