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Forskningsartikel2019Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Localization of Xyloglucan Epitopes in the Gelatinous Layer of Developing and Mature Gelatinous Fibers of European Aspen (Populus tremula L.) Tension Wood

Kim, Jong Sik; Daniel, Geoffrey


There is controversy concerning the presence of xyloglucans in gelatinous (G) layers of Populus spp. tension wood, particularly in mature G-fibers. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) immunogold localization combined with LM15 antibody (recognizes XXXG-motif of xyloglucans, heptasaccharide) was used to investigate the distribution of xyloglucan epitopes in both transverse and radial sections of P. tremula tension wood. Results provided clear evidence for the presence of xyloglucans in both mature and developing G-layers. Developmental decrease of LM15 epitope localization in G-layers was also detected during G-fiber maturation. High magnification TEM observations showed specific localization of LM15 epitopes on newly synthesized cellulose macrofibrils present in the innermost layer of developing G-layers adjacent to the cell lumen, suggesting linkage between xyloglucans and cellulose macrofibrils. Possible mechanisms were discussed for developmental changes of xyloglucan with respect to the different results reported in the literature.


Gelatinous layer; Immunolocalization; LM15 antibody; Populus tremula; Tension wood; Xyloglucan

Publicerad i

2019, Volym: 14, nummer: 4, sidor: 7675-7686