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Potential species distributions of Armillaria solidipes and Pseudotsuga menziesii under contemporary and changing climates in the interior western USA

Hanna, J.; Warwell, M.; Maffei, H.; Fairweather, M.; Blodgett, J.; Zambino, P.; Worrall, J.; Burns, K.; Jacobs, J.; Ashiglar, S.; Lundquist, J.; Kim, M.; Ross-Davis, A.; Hoffman, C.; Mathiasen, R.; Hofstetter, R.; Shaw, J.; Pitman, E.; Nelson, E.; McDonald, G.; Cleary, M.; Brar, S.; Richardson, B.; Klopfenstein, N.
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2016, Volym: 106, nummer: 12, Supplement 1, sidor: 130-131 Utgivare: AMER PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOC


Annual Meeting of the American-Phytopathological-Society (APS), JUL 30-AUG 03, 2016, Tampa, FL