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Forskningsartikel2006Vetenskapligt granskad

Developing breeding objectives for radiata pine structural wood production. II. Sensitivity analyses

Ivkovic, Milos; Wu, Harry X.; McRae, Tony A.; Matheson, Colin A.


In a companion paper we describe a bioeconomic model of a production system for radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) structural timber and estimated economic weights for four breeding-objective traits: mean annual increment, stem sweep, average branch size, and modulus of elasticity. In this paper we show estimation errors and the sensitivity of the economic weights to the input parameters of the production-system model. We also illustrate the linearity and independence of the economic weights and the sensitivity of selection indices to variation in economic weights and genetic parameters. Estimated standard errors of economic weights were generally low. Among the production-system parameters studied, discount rate and roundwood and sawn-timber prices had the largest impact on the estimates of economic weights. The relationship between the change in values of breeding-objective traits and the corresponding change in profit was nonlinear. The profit change due to change in one objective trait was not independent of the values of the other traits. The most important factors affecting the sensitivity of the selection index were the phenotypic variances of early selection traits such as tree diameter and wood basic density and the economic weights of mean annual increment and modulus of elasticity.

Publicerad i

Canadian Journal of Forest Research
2006, Volym: 36, nummer: 11, sidor: 2932-2942 Utgivare: NATL RESEARCH COUNCIL CANADA-N R C RESEARCH PRESS

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